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Wedding DJ Timeline

This Wedding DJ timeline features important dates and milestones, documents, and directions on what to expect.


Weeks Out


Six weeks before your wedding you will receive an email containing a DJ Planner. This guide will be foundational in helping you and your DJ discuss all of the important elements of your reception and, if needed, your ceremony. Please have this document completed, so you’ll be prepared when you speak with your DJ.


Weeks Out

Balance Due

Remember, your final balance is due no later than 30 days prior to your wedding. You can make payments online at or you can pay it off in full at any time.


Week Out

Phone Call

On the Monday before your wedding, your DJ will call you to go over your planner, get to know you a little bit and to understand your expectations for your wedding. This call will be unrushed and you can establish a connection with your DJ which will help set the stage for a great reception.

Your Big Day!

When your wedding day arrives your DJ will arrive at your venue at least 90 minutes before your event begins and will be well prepared and ready to make you happy.